£200 - £300
A ULLISE CANTAGALLI TWO-HANDLED DOUBLE-SPOUTED VASELATE 19TH CENTURYDecorated with grotteschi, cockerel mark, 13.5cm highTogether with two modern Italian (Rongoni) Deruta style tondino dishes, 21cm diameter
Cantagalli: rim chipRongoni: Both have foot rim chips.
Fees apply to the hammer price:
Free Registration
1.00 to 20000.00: | 34.8% inc VAT* |
20001.00 to 500000.00: | 33.6% inc VAT* |
500001.00 to 1000000.00: | 27.6% inc VAT* |
1000001.00+: | 18.6% inc VAT* |
Flat Fee Registration
1.00 to 20000.00: | 31.20% inc VAT* |
20001.00 to 500000.00: | 30% inc VAT* |
500001.00 to 1000000.00: | 24% inc VAT* |
1000001.00+: | 15% inc VAT* |