(South Pacific Islands) Twelve good works Frederick O'Brien. 'Mystic Isles of the South Seas,' first edition, decorative cloth, xv, numerous b+w photographic plates, fold out map, pp.534, vg, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1921; 'White Shadows in the South Seas,' first edition, decorative clove, racked inner hinge, sporadic light spotting to edge of text block, plates, xii, pp.450, vg, The Century Co, New York, 1920; [Pembroke, George Robert Charles, Earl of, and George Kingsley]. 'South Sea Bubbles. By the Earl and The Doctor,' third edition, original red cloth with bevelled edges,rubbed and bumped with some staining, ex libris Archibald Anderson Watt, pp.312, pp.12 publishers catalogue to rear, good, Richard Bentley and Son, London, 1872; Lieut-Colonel T. R. St. Johnston. 'The Islanders of the Pacific,' first edition, vg original blue cloth, heavy spotting throughout, b+w photographic plates, T. Fisher Unwin, London, 1921; Major A. J. A. Douglas and P. H. Johnson. 'The South Seas of To-day,' first edition, staining to original cloth, text block loosening from binding, b+w photographic plates and three charts, fair to good with the text block being good, Cassell and Company, London, 1926; Frank Burnett. 'Through Tropical Seas,' first edition, vg cloth with gilt lettering, gilt top edge, heavy spotting throughout, plates, Francis Griffiths, London, 1910; Sir Harry Luke. 'Queen Salote and Her Kingdom,' original cloth, plates, vg, Putnam, London, 1954; With five other works including 'Notes from my Sea Log' by Louis Becke. (12) From the library of Guy Slatter, whose lifelong passion for island life began in childhood with an interest in Pitcairn. After studying at Oxford and working for the BBC, he spent two years in the 1960s setting up a radio station in the Kiribati Islands. His deep connection to the Pacific led to many return visits, including work for a German museum, where he facilitated the export of an ethnic house for an exhibition. A dedicated scholar of Pacific history and culture, he built his collection of books over many years through a dealer in York and even translated two German works into English: The Material Culture of Kiribati and The Material Culture of Tuvalu.
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