A George III mahogany breakfast or supper table, in Chippendale style, circa 1760; the top with twin drop leaves and carved foliate and floral edging; above a wire mesh compartment with concave front and twin doors; the straight legs with chamfered inner angles; 68cm high, 104cm wide leaves opened, 63cm deep This table relates to a design for a 'Breakfaste Table' in Thomas Chippendale's first edition of the Gentleman and Cabinet Maker's Director, (1754), plate XXXIII, (also included again in the third edition of 1762, plate LIII). A comparable table was supplied to William, 5th Earl of Dumfries for Dumfries House, Ayrshire, Scotland. (See C. Gilbert, The Life & Work of Thomas Chippendale, London, 1978, vol.I, p.131, vol. II, fig. 401)
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