A BEIDERMEIER MAHOGANY CHEST OF DRAWERS FIRST HALF 19TH CENTURY With two drawers 75cm high, 68cm wide, 46cm deep Together with a North Italian fruitwood side table, early 19th century, with a frieze drawer above an undertier, 77.5cm high, 66cm wide, 47.5cm deep
Fees apply to the hammer price:
Free Registration
1.00 to 20000.00: | 34.8% inc VAT* |
20001.00 to 500000.00: | 33.6% inc VAT* |
500001.00 to 1000000.00: | 27.6% inc VAT* |
1000001.00+: | 18.6% inc VAT* |
Flat Fee Registration
1.00 to 20000.00: | 31.20% inc VAT* |
20001.00 to 500000.00: | 30% inc VAT* |
500001.00 to 1000000.00: | 24% inc VAT* |
1000001.00+: | 15% inc VAT* |