AFTER THE ANTIQUE- A MARBLE BASE FORMED AS EROS WITH THE DOLPHIN ORESTE VACCA PROBABLY NAPLES, LATE 19TH CENTURY Incised signature to base, set on associated oak base with table light support marble 39cm high, base 19.5 by 18cm Although the identity of the artist is as yet untraced, it would seem that this is a copy of the Roman 2nd Century AD Farnese Eros with the Dolphin in the National Archaeological Museum of Naples (inv. 6375).
Fees apply to the hammer price:
Free Registration
1.00 to 20000.00: | 34.8% inc VAT* |
20001.00 to 500000.00: | 33.6% inc VAT* |
500001.00 to 1000000.00: | 27.6% inc VAT* |
1000001.00+: | 18.6% inc VAT* |
Flat Fee Registration
1.00 to 20000.00: | 31.20% inc VAT* |
20001.00 to 500000.00: | 30% inc VAT* |
500001.00 to 1000000.00: | 24% inc VAT* |
1000001.00+: | 15% inc VAT* |