Illustration, Aubrey Beardsley – Beardsley (Aubrey Vincent, 1872-1898), Aubrey Beardsley, The Uncollected Works, London, John Lane the Bodley Head, 1st edn., 1925, 4to, introduction by C. Lewis Hind,162pp, frontispiece and monochrome illustrations, ex-Wolverhampton Public Libraries (discreet page stamps) bound blue embossed light grey boars, rubbed; Wilde (Oscar Wills O’Flaherty, 1854-1900), Salome, London, John Lane the Bodley Head, n.d. (1912), introduction, Robert Ross, 8vo, 16 monochrome illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley, xviii + 66pp, gilt embossed green boards; MacFall (Haldane), Aubrey Beardsley: the Man and His Work, London, John Lane the Bodley Head, 1928 xiv + 111pp, small 4to, photographic portrait to frontis, bound green boards, spine title stained & faded (3)
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