CYRIL FRADAN (SOUTH AFRICAN 1928-1997)UNTITLEDOil on canvasSigned and dated 60() (lower right); further dated 21.1.66 (verso)101.5 x 127cm (39¾ x 50 in.)Measurements do not include the frame unless specified. Please note Dreweatts are not liable for damage to frames or mounts.
Fees apply to the hammer price:
Free Registration
1.00 to 20000.00: | 34.8% inc VAT* |
20001.00 to 500000.00: | 33.6% inc VAT* |
500001.00 to 1000000.00: | 27.6% inc VAT* |
1000001.00+: | 18.6% inc VAT* |
Flat Fee Registration
1.00 to 20000.00: | 31.20% inc VAT* |
20001.00 to 500000.00: | 30% inc VAT* |
500001.00 to 1000000.00: | 24% inc VAT* |
1000001.00+: | 15% inc VAT* |